What? No Buff DJ set!?
Yes you would be right - unfortunately we were not allowed to buff up any decks this year, HOWEVER someone mentioned something about a little toad called Buzz that Bursty is working on (insert shameless self promotion here ;)) at the Start Up Panel in the Old Courtroom. Nerves were wracking but all in all it went very well with lots of great feedback and comments from some lovely inspiring people.
In other news, lovely @jomofo accompanied us and caused some right mischief with her constant innuendos and tourettes like outbursts, she also kept Munty out on the beach until 7am on the Saturday morning whilst chatting up various musical waifs and strays - she buffin loves it and we love her! She did well though and was up bright and early the next day after a mere 3 hours kips for some educational panels where we had the grand opportunity of being introduced to Seymour Stein & witnessed the wonderful comedic mannerisms of the very pink Mark Jones - Seymour even offered to buy us some fish and chips, but we'd already scoffed ours and done a runner from the chippy! Just buffin you about, we paid really ...well after they chased us down the road, but that's another story ;)
All in all a buffin ball was had - the best bit was when Friendly Fires turned us all into beautiful butterflies...they're good at doing that aren't they!?!?