I like how rock stars look.
You know that conventional look that front men try and emulate.
A certain skinny jeaned, Cuban-healed swagger. A look that’s helped many a two-bit vocalist punch significantly above the weight in the lady department, even with little discernible talent.
What is always more enjoyable however, is when I hear something that makes me positively moist with excitement AND is hugely pleasing to the eyes .Imagine my delight then at seeing The Black Keys at Manchester Apollo on Monday 6 Feb (the swagger being a slightly geeky one in this case!)
From the minute they played ‘Howlin for You’, the entire crowd were up, vibrating, willing the duo to keep the barrage of dirty, sex beats coming at them. Amplified by ‘Gus’ and ‘John’, the 2 additional musicians, they didn’t disappoint; ploughing through ‘Next Girl’ and current
fan favourite ‘Gold on the Ceiling’.
There are definite late 60's / early 70’s influences present: ‘Money Maker’ shows signs of Plant & Page grandeur, whilst the huge amount of organ in ‘Chop & Change’ is reminiscent of a Ray Manzarek‘s keys in ‘Soul Kitchen’. This is no bad thing. There is no denial of these influences; they are worn heartedly on their epauletted sleeves!
Rounding up the evening with the sad words but uplifting rifts of ‘Lonely Boy’, accompanied by a huge glitter ball – they sent me and the baying Manchester crowd, on our merry way, satisfied & spent.
The Black Keys continue their live assault on the UK till the end of Feb.
For more details go to http://www.theblackkeys.com/ .